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<?php include('includes/header.php');?> <section class="top-connect" style="background-image: url('./img/connect.png');"> <div class="cst-container"> <h1 class="minibanner-h1">Contact Us</h1> </div> </section> <!-- call section --> <section class="call-section"> <div class="cst-container"> <div class="contact-fm"> <div class="call-fm"> <div class="flex-contact"> <div class="cst-Fm"> <h2 class="h2heading">Get in touch</h2> <form action="#" class="contact-form"> <div class="input-items"> <input type="text" class="form-controlJ" id="name" placeholder="Your Name" required> </div> <div class="input-items"> <input type="email" class="form-controlJ" placeholder="Email Address" required> </div> <div class="input-items"> <input type="text" class="form-controlJ" placeholder="Phone" required> </div> <div class="input-items"> <textarea id="message" class="form-controlJ" rows="5" cols="30" placeholder="Comments/ Questions"></textarea> </div> <div class="submit-button-wrapper"> <input type="submit" class="form-controlJ" value="Let’s Connect"> </div> </form> </div> <div class="xline"></div> <div class="txt-lnk"> <ul> <li> <div class="ico-img"> <svg width="19" height="19" viewBox="0 0 19 19" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.124982 7.14302C0.122398 7.30138 0.16801 7.4568 0.255771 7.58865C0.343532 7.7205 0.469296 7.82256 0.616388 7.8813L8.11717 10.8821L11.118 18.3836C11.1759 18.5287 11.2761 18.6531 11.4054 18.7407C11.5348 18.8283 11.6875 18.8751 11.8437 18.875H11.8562C12.0145 18.8726 12.1682 18.8221 12.2971 18.7303C12.426 18.6385 12.524 18.5097 12.5781 18.361L18.8281 1.17349C18.8793 1.03366 18.8894 0.882131 18.8573 0.736737C18.8253 0.591342 18.7523 0.45814 18.6471 0.352818C18.5418 0.247496 18.4087 0.174439 18.2633 0.142253C18.1179 0.110066 17.9664 0.12009 17.8265 0.171143L0.639044 6.42114C0.490268 6.47539 0.361464 6.57352 0.269672 6.70256C0.17788 6.8316 0.127425 6.98546 0.124982 7.1438V7.14302Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </div> <div class="ico-txt"> <h3 class="font-24">Address</h3> <p class="font-16-regular">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. </p> </div> </li> <!-- item 1 --> <li> <div class="ico-img"> <svg width="21" height="17" viewBox="0 0 21 17" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.16665 16.8334C1.59373 16.8334 1.10345 16.6296 0.695813 16.222C0.28748 15.8136 0.083313 15.323 0.083313 14.7501V2.25008C0.083313 1.67716 0.28748 1.18689 0.695813 0.779248C1.10345 0.370915 1.59373 0.166748 2.16665 0.166748H18.8333C19.4062 0.166748 19.8969 0.370915 20.3052 0.779248C20.7128 1.18689 20.9166 1.67716 20.9166 2.25008V14.7501C20.9166 15.323 20.7128 15.8136 20.3052 16.222C19.8969 16.6296 19.4062 16.8334 18.8333 16.8334H2.16665ZM10.5 9.35946C10.5868 9.35946 10.6778 9.34626 10.7729 9.31987C10.8687 9.29418 10.96 9.25529 11.0469 9.20321L18.4166 4.59383C18.5555 4.50703 18.6597 4.39869 18.7291 4.26883C18.7986 4.13828 18.8333 3.99487 18.8333 3.83862C18.8333 3.4914 18.6857 3.23098 18.3906 3.05737C18.0955 2.88376 17.7916 2.89244 17.4791 3.08341L10.5 7.45841L3.52081 3.08341C3.20831 2.89244 2.90449 2.88793 2.60935 3.06987C2.31422 3.25251 2.16665 3.50876 2.16665 3.83862C2.16665 4.01223 2.20137 4.16397 2.27081 4.29383C2.34026 4.42439 2.44442 4.52439 2.58331 4.59383L9.95311 9.20321C10.0399 9.25529 10.1312 9.29418 10.2271 9.31987C10.3222 9.34626 10.4132 9.35946 10.5 9.35946Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </div> <div class="ico-txt"> <h3 class="font-24">Email</h3> <p class="font-16-regular"> <a href=""></a> </p> </div> </li> <!-- item 1 --> <li> <div class="ico-img"> <svg width="19" height="19" viewBox="0 0 19 19" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.7812 18.875C15.5417 18.875 13.3587 18.3757 11.2323 17.3771C9.10521 16.3792 7.22153 15.0597 5.58125 13.4187C3.94028 11.7785 2.62083 9.89479 1.62292 7.76771C0.624306 5.64132 0.125 3.45833 0.125 1.21875C0.125 0.90625 0.229167 0.645833 0.4375 0.4375C0.645833 0.229167 0.90625 0.125 1.21875 0.125H5.4375C5.68056 0.125 5.89757 0.203125 6.08854 0.359375C6.27951 0.515625 6.39236 0.715278 6.42708 0.958333L7.10417 4.60417C7.13889 4.84722 7.13472 5.0684 7.09167 5.26771C7.04792 5.46771 6.94792 5.64583 6.79167 5.80208L4.29167 8.35417C5.02083 9.60417 5.93229 10.776 7.02604 11.8698C8.11979 12.9635 9.32639 13.9097 10.6458 14.7083L13.0937 12.2604C13.25 12.1042 13.4542 11.9868 13.7062 11.9083C13.9576 11.8306 14.2049 11.809 14.4479 11.8438L18.0417 12.5729C18.2847 12.625 18.4844 12.742 18.6406 12.924C18.7969 13.1066 18.875 13.3194 18.875 13.5625V17.7812C18.875 18.0938 18.7708 18.3542 18.5625 18.5625C18.3542 18.7708 18.0938 18.875 17.7812 18.875Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </div> <div class="ico-txt"> <h3 class="font-24">Phone</h3> <p class="font-16-regular"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </div> </li> <!-- item 1 --> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- faq --- --> <section class="am-faq"> <div class="cst-container"> <div class="Qtop"> <div class="txt-center"> <h2 class="h2heading">FAQ</h2> <p>Have questions? We’re here to help.</p> </div> <div class="example"> <form class="searchbox-container pos-relative" action="."> <input type="text" class="searchbox" name="search" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Search" /> <button type="submit" class="searchbutton"> <svg width="19" height="18" viewBox="0 0 19 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M13.477 11.0014H12.687L12.407 10.7314C13.032 10.0054 13.4887 9.15021 13.7446 8.22705C14.0004 7.30389 14.0491 6.33559 13.887 5.39144C13.417 2.61144 11.097 0.39144 8.29703 0.0514397C7.31264 -0.0730946 6.31281 0.0292113 5.37405 0.350529C4.43529 0.671846 3.58247 1.20366 2.88086 1.90527C2.17924 2.60688 1.64743 3.4597 1.32611 4.39846C1.0048 5.33723 0.902491 6.33706 1.02703 7.32144C1.36703 10.1214 3.58703 12.4414 6.36703 12.9114C7.31118 13.0735 8.27948 13.0248 9.20264 12.769C10.1258 12.5131 10.981 12.0564 11.707 11.4314L11.977 11.7114V12.5014L16.227 16.7514C16.637 17.1614 17.307 17.1614 17.717 16.7514C18.127 16.3414 18.127 15.6714 17.717 15.2614L13.477 11.0014ZM7.47703 11.0014C4.98703 11.0014 2.97703 8.99144 2.97703 6.50144C2.97703 4.01144 4.98703 2.00144 7.47703 2.00144C9.96703 2.00144 11.977 4.01144 11.977 6.50144C11.977 8.99144 9.96703 11.0014 7.47703 11.0014Z" fill="#939393" /> </svg> </button> </form> </div> </div> <div class="Faq-list"> <ul> <li> <div class="Faq-Q font-24"> How much space do I need to rent on Warebuild? <span class="icons-sm addpus"> <svg width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 11.9584H11.9587V19.2501C11.9587 20.0522 11.3024 20.7084 10.5003 20.7084C9.69824 20.7084 9.04199 20.0522 9.04199 19.2501V11.9584H1.75033C0.948242 11.9584 0.291992 11.3022 0.291992 10.5001C0.291992 9.698 0.948242 9.04175 1.75033 9.04175H9.04199V1.75008C9.04199 0.947998 9.69824 0.291748 10.5003 0.291748C11.3024 0.291748 11.9587 0.947998 11.9587 1.75008V9.04175H19.2503C20.0524 9.04175 20.7087 9.698 20.7087 10.5001C20.7087 11.3022 20.0524 11.9584 19.2503 11.9584Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> <span class="icons-sm addmin"> <svg width="21" height="4" viewBox="0 0 21 4" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 3.45829H11.9587C11.0322 3.45829 11.3031 3.45829 10.501 3.45829C9.69889 3.45829 9.72363 3.45829 9.04199 3.45829H1.75033C0.948242 3.45829 0.291992 2.80204 0.291992 1.99996C0.291992 1.19788 0.948242 0.541626 1.75033 0.541626H9.04199C9.9502 0.541626 9.69889 0.541634 10.501 0.541634C11.3031 0.541634 11.4736 0.541634 11.9587 0.54163L19.2503 0.541626C20.0524 0.541626 20.7087 1.19788 20.7087 1.99996C20.7087 2.80204 20.0524 3.45829 19.2503 3.45829Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="Faq-ans font-18">There is no amount of space you need to rent with Warebuild. We understand that demand is variable, so we provide flexibility to scale up and down according to their needs and demands. </div> </li> <li> <div class="Faq-Q font-24"> Do I need to sign a long-term agreement? <span class="icons-sm addpus"> <svg width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 11.9584H11.9587V19.2501C11.9587 20.0522 11.3024 20.7084 10.5003 20.7084C9.69824 20.7084 9.04199 20.0522 9.04199 19.2501V11.9584H1.75033C0.948242 11.9584 0.291992 11.3022 0.291992 10.5001C0.291992 9.698 0.948242 9.04175 1.75033 9.04175H9.04199V1.75008C9.04199 0.947998 9.69824 0.291748 10.5003 0.291748C11.3024 0.291748 11.9587 0.947998 11.9587 1.75008V9.04175H19.2503C20.0524 9.04175 20.7087 9.698 20.7087 10.5001C20.7087 11.3022 20.0524 11.9584 19.2503 11.9584Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> <span class="icons-sm addmin"> <svg width="21" height="4" viewBox="0 0 21 4" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 3.45829H11.9587C11.0322 3.45829 11.3031 3.45829 10.501 3.45829C9.69889 3.45829 9.72363 3.45829 9.04199 3.45829H1.75033C0.948242 3.45829 0.291992 2.80204 0.291992 1.99996C0.291992 1.19788 0.948242 0.541626 1.75033 0.541626H9.04199C9.9502 0.541626 9.69889 0.541634 10.501 0.541634C11.3031 0.541634 11.4736 0.541634 11.9587 0.54163L19.2503 0.541626C20.0524 0.541626 20.7087 1.19788 20.7087 1.99996C20.7087 2.80204 20.0524 3.45829 19.2503 3.45829Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="Faq-ans font-18">No, you do not need to sign a long-term agreement. We have flexible monthly plans. </div> </li> <li> <div class="Faq-Q font-24"> Can I use Warebuild to store personal belongings? <span class="icons-sm addpus"> <svg width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 11.9584H11.9587V19.2501C11.9587 20.0522 11.3024 20.7084 10.5003 20.7084C9.69824 20.7084 9.04199 20.0522 9.04199 19.2501V11.9584H1.75033C0.948242 11.9584 0.291992 11.3022 0.291992 10.5001C0.291992 9.698 0.948242 9.04175 1.75033 9.04175H9.04199V1.75008C9.04199 0.947998 9.69824 0.291748 10.5003 0.291748C11.3024 0.291748 11.9587 0.947998 11.9587 1.75008V9.04175H19.2503C20.0524 9.04175 20.7087 9.698 20.7087 10.5001C20.7087 11.3022 20.0524 11.9584 19.2503 11.9584Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> <span class="icons-sm addmin"> <svg width="21" height="4" viewBox="0 0 21 4" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 3.45829H11.9587C11.0322 3.45829 11.3031 3.45829 10.501 3.45829C9.69889 3.45829 9.72363 3.45829 9.04199 3.45829H1.75033C0.948242 3.45829 0.291992 2.80204 0.291992 1.99996C0.291992 1.19788 0.948242 0.541626 1.75033 0.541626H9.04199C9.9502 0.541626 9.69889 0.541634 10.501 0.541634C11.3031 0.541634 11.4736 0.541634 11.9587 0.54163L19.2503 0.541626C20.0524 0.541626 20.7087 1.19788 20.7087 1.99996C20.7087 2.80204 20.0524 3.45829 19.2503 3.45829Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="Faq-ans font-18">Yes, you can. Connect with our team of experts to fulfill your unique needs. </div> </li> <li> <div class="Faq-Q font-24"> What kind of security does Warebuild provide? <span class="icons-sm addpus"> <svg width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 11.9584H11.9587V19.2501C11.9587 20.0522 11.3024 20.7084 10.5003 20.7084C9.69824 20.7084 9.04199 20.0522 9.04199 19.2501V11.9584H1.75033C0.948242 11.9584 0.291992 11.3022 0.291992 10.5001C0.291992 9.698 0.948242 9.04175 1.75033 9.04175H9.04199V1.75008C9.04199 0.947998 9.69824 0.291748 10.5003 0.291748C11.3024 0.291748 11.9587 0.947998 11.9587 1.75008V9.04175H19.2503C20.0524 9.04175 20.7087 9.698 20.7087 10.5001C20.7087 11.3022 20.0524 11.9584 19.2503 11.9584Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> <span class="icons-sm addmin"> <svg width="21" height="4" viewBox="0 0 21 4" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 3.45829H11.9587C11.0322 3.45829 11.3031 3.45829 10.501 3.45829C9.69889 3.45829 9.72363 3.45829 9.04199 3.45829H1.75033C0.948242 3.45829 0.291992 2.80204 0.291992 1.99996C0.291992 1.19788 0.948242 0.541626 1.75033 0.541626H9.04199C9.9502 0.541626 9.69889 0.541634 10.501 0.541634C11.3031 0.541634 11.4736 0.541634 11.9587 0.54163L19.2503 0.541626C20.0524 0.541626 20.7087 1.19788 20.7087 1.99996C20.7087 2.80204 20.0524 3.45829 19.2503 3.45829Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="Faq-ans font-18">Warebuild provides 24*7 security options with guarded storage facilities and CCTV supervision. </div> </li> <li> <div class="Faq-Q font-24"> Where are the warehouses located? <span class="icons-sm addpus"> <svg width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 11.9584H11.9587V19.2501C11.9587 20.0522 11.3024 20.7084 10.5003 20.7084C9.69824 20.7084 9.04199 20.0522 9.04199 19.2501V11.9584H1.75033C0.948242 11.9584 0.291992 11.3022 0.291992 10.5001C0.291992 9.698 0.948242 9.04175 1.75033 9.04175H9.04199V1.75008C9.04199 0.947998 9.69824 0.291748 10.5003 0.291748C11.3024 0.291748 11.9587 0.947998 11.9587 1.75008V9.04175H19.2503C20.0524 9.04175 20.7087 9.698 20.7087 10.5001C20.7087 11.3022 20.0524 11.9584 19.2503 11.9584Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> <span class="icons-sm addmin"> <svg width="21" height="4" viewBox="0 0 21 4" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.2503 3.45829H11.9587C11.0322 3.45829 11.3031 3.45829 10.501 3.45829C9.69889 3.45829 9.72363 3.45829 9.04199 3.45829H1.75033C0.948242 3.45829 0.291992 2.80204 0.291992 1.99996C0.291992 1.19788 0.948242 0.541626 1.75033 0.541626H9.04199C9.9502 0.541626 9.69889 0.541634 10.501 0.541634C11.3031 0.541634 11.4736 0.541634 11.9587 0.54163L19.2503 0.541626C20.0524 0.541626 20.7087 1.19788 20.7087 1.99996C20.7087 2.80204 20.0524 3.45829 19.2503 3.45829Z" fill="white" /> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="Faq-ans font-18">We have multiple locations all around India. Our application allows you to search for the nearest storage unit. </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <!-- office --> <section class="office-List pd-50"> <div class="cst-container"> <h2 class="h2heading">Our offices</h2> <div class="grids-2 loc-Grids"> <div class="itemsAddress"> <div class="img-Address"> <img src="./img/Delhi1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="more-Address"> <h2 class="font-32">DELHI, DL</h2> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Address:</h3> <p class="font-24">Sector 42, some road, Gurgaon, Haryana - 789 </p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-24"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> <div class="itemsAddress"> <div class="img-Address"> <img src="./img/Delhi1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="more-Address"> <h2 class="font-32">DELHI, DL</h2> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Address:</h3> <p class="font-24">Sector 42, some road, Gurgaon, Haryana - 789 </p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-24"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> <div class="itemsAddress"> <div class="img-Address"> <img src="./img/Delhi1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="more-Address"> <h2 class="font-32">DELHI, DL</h2> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Address:</h3> <p class="font-24">Sector 42, some road, Gurgaon, Haryana - 789 </p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-24"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> <div class="itemsAddress"> <div class="img-Address"> <img src="./img/Delhi1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="more-Address"> <h2 class="font-32">DELHI, DL</h2> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Address:</h3> <p class="font-24">Sector 42, some road, Gurgaon, Haryana - 789 </p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-24">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-24"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> </div> </div> </section> <!-- team --> <section class="OurTeam pd-50"> <div class="Full-container"> <div class="txt-center"> <h2 class="h2heading">Meet the Team</h2> </div> <div class="Grids-3 teamRow"> <div class="Team-list"> <div class="listX"> <img src="./img/team1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="listX-Data"> <h3 class="font-32">Jonathan</h3> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Designation:</h3> <p class="font-18">UI/UX developer</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Located:</h3> <p class="font-18">New Delhi</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Email:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href=""></a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="Team-list"> <div class="listX "> <img src="./img/team1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="listX-Data"> <h3 class="font-32">Jonathan</h3> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Designation:</h3> <p class="font-18">UI/UX developer</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Located:</h3> <p class="font-18">New Delhi</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Email:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href=""></a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="Team-list"> <div class="listX"> <img src="./img/team1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="listX-Data"> <h3 class="font-32">Jonathan</h3> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Designation:</h3> <p class="font-18">UI/UX developer</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Located:</h3> <p class="font-18">New Delhi</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Email:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href=""></a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="Team-list"> <div class="listX"> <img src="./img/team1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="listX-Data"> <h3 class="font-32">Jonathan</h3> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Designation:</h3> <p class="font-18">UI/UX developer</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Located:</h3> <p class="font-18">New Delhi</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Email:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href=""></a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="Team-list"> <div class="listX "> <img src="./img/team1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="listX-Data"> <h3 class="font-32">Jonathan</h3> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Designation:</h3> <p class="font-18">UI/UX developer</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Located:</h3> <p class="font-18">New Delhi</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Email:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href=""></a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> <div class="Team-list"> <div class="listX"> <img src="./img/team1.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="office address"> </div> <div class="listX-Data"> <h3 class="font-32">Jonathan</h3> <div class="flexQwerty"> <ul> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Designation:</h3> <p class="font-18">UI/UX developer</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Located:</h3> <p class="font-18">New Delhi</p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Phone:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href="+91-098-765-4321">+91-098-765-4321</a></p> </li> <li> <h3 class="font-18">Email:</h3> <p class="font-18"><a href=""></a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- item 1 --> </div> </div> </section> <?php include('includes/footer.php');?>