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<?php include('includes/header.php');?> <!-- section 1 --> <section class="pos-relative"> <div class="IndVid"> <div class="vidSec-banner"> <div class="HtmlVid"> <img src="./img/imgv.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> </div> <div class="vidSec-img"> <div class="story-txtAbs"> <img src="./img/aboutTp.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> <div class="timeX txt-right"> <h1 class="minibanner-h1">Welcome to Warebuild! </h1> <p class="normaltxt mtb-45">We help build warehouses using new technologies and years of experience. We are just one click away. Hop on! </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- section 1 END --> <section class="BrandValue"> <div class="BarndData"> <h2 class="h2heading txt-center">Trusted by the World’s Best</h2> <div class="autoBrand"> <div class="callBrand slide-track owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/dlf.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/amazon.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/schenker.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/lg.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/reliance.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/asianpaints.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/snapdeal.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/future group.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/itc.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> <div class="item imgBrand"> <img src="./img/mrf.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="Brand Logo"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- section 2 END --> <section class="indexTabs"> <div class="cst-container"> <div class="tabs Flextabs"> <div class="rightTabs"> <div class="TopEodtxt normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">How We Do It</h2> <div class="EditorX"> <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. </p> </div> <a class="font-16 alink" href="#"> > Read more </a> </div> <ul id="tabs-nav-c" class="t-tabs"> <li class="active"><a class="medium-txt" href="#tab1">1. Site Selection</a></li> <li><a class="medium-txt" href="#tab2">2. Land Acquisition</a></li> <li><a class="medium-txt" href="#tab3">3. Legal Approval</a></li> <li><a class="medium-txt" href="#tab4">4. Construction & Management</a></li> <li><a class="medium-txt" href="#tab5">5. Internal Layout Utilisation</a></li> <li><a class="medium-txt" href="#tab6">6. Safety Compliances</a></li> <li><a class="medium-txt" href="#tab7">7. Facility Management</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- left contents --> <div class="rightDocument"> <div id="tabs-content" class="pos-relative"> <div id="tab1" class="tab-content pos-relative" style=""> <img src="./img/Mask-road.png" class="responsive-img fulltabimg" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <div class="max-686 normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">Site Selection</h2> <p>Selecting a proper warehouse location serving to satisfy the demands of the goods from a certain business area is important to a successful retail business. </p> <a class="font-16 knowmore" href="#"> > Know more </a> </div> </div> <!-- Tab 1 items 1 --> <div id="tab2" class="tab-content pos-relative" style=""> <img src="./img/land-acqisition-1.png" class="responsive-img fulltabimg" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <div class="max-686 normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">Land Acquisition</h2> <p>We carry out careful planning to give our clients proper zoning and compliance with regulations and environmental standards. So, you will always find space with us. </p> <a class="font-16 knowmore" href="#"> > Know more </a> </div> </div> <!-- Tab 2 items 2 --> <div id="tab3" class="tab-content pos-relative" style=""> <img src="./img/legal1.png" class="responsive-img fulltabimg" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <div class="max-686 normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">Legal Approval</h2> <p>Warehouse warrants will give you and your product safety because we understand the legal rights of the products we store. </p> <a class="font-16 knowmore" href="#"> > Know more </a> </div> </div> <!-- Tab 2 items 3 --> <div id="tab4" class="tab-content pos-relative" style=""> <img src="./img/cont-x.png" class="responsive-img fulltabimg" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <div class="max-686 normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">Construction & Management</h2> <p>We make sure the work is done safely, on time, and falls under our client’s budget. We offer visibility into your inventory and manage supply chain operations. </p> <a class="font-16 knowmore" href="#"> > Know more </a> </div> </div> <!-- Tab 2 items 3 --> <div id="tab5" class="tab-content pos-relative" style=""> <img src="./img/whatwe.png" class="responsive-img fulltabimg" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <div class="max-686 normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">Internal Layout Utilisation</h2> <p>Our technology helps you streamline all your operations in one click. We will improve production and distribution processes with our energy-efficient model of developing contemporary commercial space. </p> <a class="font-16 knowmore" href="#"> > Know more </a> </div> </div> <!-- Tab 2 items 3 --> <div id="tab6" class="tab-content pos-relative" style=""> <img src="./img/safety.png" class="responsive-img fulltabimg" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <div class="max-686 normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">Safety Compliances</h2> <p>Your safety is our top priority. So we give you a 24*7 CCTV facility and guarded storage options using our innovative, cutting-edge, and reliable technology. </p> <a class="font-16 knowmore" href="#"> > Know more </a> </div> </div> <!-- Tab 2 items 3 --> <div id="tab7" class="tab-content pos-relative" style=""> <img src="./img/manage.png" class="responsive-img fulltabimg" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <div class="max-686 normaltxt"> <h2 class="h2heading">Facility Management</h2> <p>We use cloud-based technology for our multifaceted processes. Therefore, giving you real-time inventory insights and all transaction-level updates. </p> <a class="font-16 knowmore" href="#"> > Know more </a> </div> </div> <!-- Tab 2 items 3 --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- section supply --> <section class="BoxGrids"> <div class="row-top"> <div class="wnx-box pos-relative normaltxt"> <div class="Rx-show"> <h2 class="dmDis">Distribution</h2> <div class="dmX"> How much excess inventory is stranded in supply chains? </div> </div> <div class="df-hide" style="background-image: url(./img/pic2.png);"> <div class="dmHideDiv"> <h2 class="dm-text">Up to <span>5%</span></h2> <p class="comTxt"> increase in comparable store sales </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="other75"> <h2 class="h2black h2heading">Our not-so secret plan </h2> <h3 class="h3black h2heading"> Create Scalable Warehouses </h3> <div class="dm-MoreTxt normaltxt"> Our tech Warehousing websites enable pan India storage facilities with multi-user facilities. Warebuild believes in top-tier distribution and delivery. We have efficient inventory control and order management system so to help increase your sales. </div> </div> </div> <!-- Box top 1 --> <div class="RowGrids Grids-4"> <div class="wnx-box itemrow11 pos-relative normaltxt"> <div class="Rx-show wx-qwerty"> <h2 class="dmDis">Supply</h2> <div class="dmX"> How much excess inventory is stranded in supply chains? </div> </div> <div class="df-hide" style="background-image: url(./img/umiX.png);"> <div class="dmHideDiv"> <h2 class="dm-text">20%</h2> <p class="comTxt"> increase in Report purchase rate </p> </div> </div> </div> <!--item1 --> <div class="wnx-box itemrow11 pos-relative normaltxt"> <div class="Rx-show wx-qwerty"> <h2 class="dmDis">Supply</h2> <div class="dmX"> How much excess inventory is stranded in supply chains? </div> </div> <div class="df-hide" style="background-image: url(./img/umiX.png);"> <div class="dmHideDiv"> <h2 class="dm-text">20%</h2> <p class="comTxt"> increase in Report purchase rate </p> </div> </div> </div> <!--item1 --> <div class="wnx-box itemrow11 pos-relative normaltxt"> <!-- <div class="Rx-show wx-qwerty"> <h2 class="dmDis">Supply</h2> <div class="dmX"> How much excess inventory is stranded in supply chains? </div> </div> <div class="df-hide" style="background-image: url(./img/umiX.png);"> <div class="dmHideDiv"> <h2 class="dm-text">20%</h2> <p class="comTxt"> increase in Report purchase rate </p> </div> </div> --> </div> <!--item1 --> <div class="wnx-box itemrow11 pos-relative normaltxt"> <div class="Rx-show wx-qwerty"> <h2 class="dmDis">Supply</h2> <div class="dmX"> How much excess inventory is stranded in supply chains? </div> </div> <div class="df-hide" style="background-image: url(./img/umiX.png);"> <div class="dmHideDiv"> <h2 class="dm-text">20%</h2> <p class="comTxt"> increase in Report purchase rate </p> </div> </div> </div> <!--item1 --> </div> <!-- Box top 2 --> <div class="flex3"> <div class="itemrow1 pos-relative normaltxt"> <h2 class="dmDis">Some title</h2> <div class="dmX"> We help you plan, help you search, execute and operate, and digitalize all processes for you. With our partners, we will pave way for retailers, entrepreneurs, and traders to reach their customers faster. Our motto is to help increase your profitability and efficiency. Our highly skilled team will help you strategically execute your product and guide you to make the best retail decisions. </div> </div> <div class="wnx-box itemrow11 pos-relative normaltxt"> <div class="Rx-show wx-qwerty"> <h2 class="dmDis">Supply</h2> <div class="dmX"> How much excess inventory is stranded in supply chains? </div> </div> <div class="df-hide" style="background-image: url(./img/umiX.png);"> <div class="dmHideDiv"> <h2 class="dm-text">20%</h2> <p class="comTxt"> increase in Report purchase rate </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="itemrow1 pos-relative normaltxt"> <h2 class="dmDis">Supply</h2> <div class="dmX"> How much excess inventory is stranded in supply chains? </div> </div> </div> <!-- Box top 3 --> </section> <!-- 3d section --> <section class="three-3d"> <div class="Full-Container"> <img src="./img/3d.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> </div> </section> <!-- 3d section END --> <section class="indexK-testi"> <div class="cst-container"> <h2 class="h2heading pb-40">News Feed</h2> <div class="TestiList pos-relative"> <div class="cstcustom-testi Vtesti-m owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item"> <div class="blockItems"> <div class="rightQ-list"> <div class="imgKp pos-relative"> <img src="./img/casestydy.png" class="responsive-img main-test-image" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <img src="./img/WarebuildLogoclean.png" class="kmPs" loading="lazy" alt="Header Logo"> </div> <div class="text-view"> <div class="font-16 smallView">CASE STUDY</div> <h3 class="TestiHeading font-32">Case Study Title</h3> <div class="showTestimonial normaltxt"> <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Something in Lorem Ipsum. </p> </div> <a class="font-16 alink" href="#"> > Read more </a> </div> </div> <!-- left --> <div class="width-225"> <div class="knsX font-16"> <span>01</span> OF 5 </div> </div> <!-- Right --> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> <div class="item"> <div class="blockItems"> <div class="rightQ-list"> <div class="imgKp pos-relative"> <img src="./img/casestydy.png" class="responsive-img main-test-image" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <img src="./img/WarebuildLogoclean.png" class="kmPs" loading="lazy" alt="Header Logo"> </div> <div class="text-view"> <div class="font-16 smallView">CASE STUDY</div> <h3 class="TestiHeading font-32">Case Study Title</h3> <div class="showTestimonial normaltxt"> <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Something in Lorem Ipsum. </p> </div> <a class="font-16 alink" href="#"> > Read more </a> </div> </div> <!-- left --> <div class="width-225"> <div class="knsX font-16"> <span>01</span> OF 5 </div> </div> <!-- Right --> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> <div class="item"> <div class="blockItems"> <div class="rightQ-list"> <div class="imgKp pos-relative"> <img src="./img/casestydy.png" class="responsive-img main-test-image" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <img src="./img/WarebuildLogoclean.png" class="kmPs" loading="lazy" alt="Header Logo"> </div> <div class="text-view"> <div class="font-16 smallView">CASE STUDY</div> <h3 class="TestiHeading font-32">Case Study Title</h3> <div class="showTestimonial normaltxt"> <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Something in Lorem Ipsum. </p> </div> <a class="font-16 alink" href="#"> > Read more </a> </div> </div> <!-- left --> <div class="width-225"> <div class="knsX font-16"> <span>01</span> OF 5 </div> </div> <!-- Right --> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> <div class="item"> <div class="blockItems"> <div class="rightQ-list"> <div class="imgKp pos-relative"> <img src="./img/casestydy.png" class="responsive-img main-test-image" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> <img src="./img/WarebuildLogoclean.png" class="kmPs" loading="lazy" alt="Header Logo"> </div> <div class="text-view"> <div class="font-16 smallView">CASE STUDY</div> <h3 class="TestiHeading font-32">Case Study Title</h3> <div class="showTestimonial normaltxt"> <p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Something in Lorem Ipsum. </p> </div> <a class="font-16 alink" href="#"> > Read more </a> </div> </div> <!-- left --> <div class="width-225"> <div class="knsX font-16"> <span>01</span> OF 5 </div> </div> <!-- Right --> </div> </div> <!-- items 1 --> </div> </div> <!-- 1111 --> </div> </section> <!-- div redy to start --> <section class="BottomLst pos-relative"> <div class="cst-container pos-relative"> <div class="txt-center kwp-connect"> <h2 class="h2heading ">Ready to start with WareBuild?</h2> <a class="font-16 HeaderBtn" href="#"> Let’s Connect </a> </div> <!-- <div class="loc-flex"> <div class="loc-img"> <img src="./img/footermap.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> </div> <div class="loc-Txt"> <p>Nationwise Location</p> <h3>Saddle Creek Logistics can help you reach your customer base in two business days</h3> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="loc-Link" aria-label="loc-Link">View Location </a> </div> </div> --> <div class="wp-bottom"> <a href="#"> <img src="./img/footermap.png" class="responsive-img" loading="lazy" alt="About Us Section"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="spacer-div BlueBG"> </div> </section> <?php include('includes/footer.php');?>